The accredited list of Postgraduate Diplomas, Master’s, and Doctoral Courses Offered at the University of Benin 2024/2025 has been released and published here.
This information is being made available to the general public and to anyone interested in attending the university. If you are looking for the University of Benin Postgraduate courses, you are finally in the right place, especially if you have been looking for it for a very long time.
The official list of all the Postgraduate diplomas, master’s, and doctoral programs offered at the University of Benin, also known as UNIBEN, is now available in the article you are reading. Below are the accredited UNIBEN postgraduate courses 2024.
List Of Approved Postgraduate Courses Offered at the University Of Benin
Below is the full detail of all the Postgraduate diploma, master’s, and doctorate courses offered at the University of Benin, (UNIBEN).
Master of Laws
Administration/Management (M.A. Arts)
Administration/Management (M.A. Arts)
African Linguistics (M.A.)
African Literature (M.A.)
African Oral Literature (M.A.)
Applied Linguistics (M.A.)
Art History (M.A.)
Caribbean Literature (M.A.)
Comparative Literature (M.A.)
Dramatic Theory and Criticism (M.A.)
Dramatic Theory and Criticism (M.A.)
ED English (M.A.)
Ed. Social Studies (M.A.)
English Language (M.A.)
French Language (M.A.)
French Literature (M.A.)
Historical/Comparative Linguistics (M.A.)
History (M.A.)
International History and Diplomacy (M.A.)
Literature in English (M.A.)
Literary Stylistics (M.A.)
Mass Communication (M.A.)
Music and Dance (M.A.)
Music and Dance (M.A.)
Phonology (M.A.)
Psycholinguistics (M.A.)
Performance Theory and Praxis (M.A.)
Performance Theory and Praxis (M.A.)
Semantics (M.A.)
Sociolinguistics (M.A.)
Syntax (M.A.)
Theory and Criticism of the Arts (M.A.)
Theory and Criticism of the Arts (M.A.)
Theatre Arts (M.A.)
Translation Studies (M.A.)
Master in Banking and Finance (BNK)
Business Education (Accounting) (M.Ed.)
Biology Education (M.Sc. Ed.)
Office Technology And Management (M.Sc. Ed.)
Business Education (M.Sc. Ed.)
Community Health (M.Sc. Ed.)
Chemistry Education (M.Sc. Ed.)
Counselling Psychology (M.Sc. Ed.)
Educational Administration and Foundation (M.Ed.)
Educational Foundation (M.Ed.)
Educational Philosophy (M.Ed.)
Educational Management (M.Ed.)
History Of Education (M.Ed.)
Home Economics (M.Ed.)
Health Education(Environmental and Safety Education) (M.Sc. Ed.)
Health Education(School Health Education) (M.Sc. Ed.)
Home Economics (M.Ed.)
Mathematics Education (M.Sc. Ed.)
Rural and Community Development (M.Ed.)
Sociology of Education (M.Ed.)
Social Studies (M.Sc. Ed.)
Technical Education (M.Ed.)
Technical Education(Electrical and Electronics Technology) (M.Ed.)
Technical Education(Mechanical Technology) (M.Ed.)
Technical Education(Woodwork and Building Technology) (M.Ed.)
Women Education (M.Ed.)
Civil Engineering(Engineering Structures and Technology) (M.Eng.)
Chemical Engineering (M.Eng.)
Master in Engineering (Computer Engineering)
Civil (Transport and Highway Engineering) (M.Eng.)
Production Engineering (Engineering Management) (M.Eng.)
Geotechnical Engineering (M.Eng.)
Mechanical Engineering(Applied Energy) (M.Eng.)
Mechanical Engineering(Advanced Fluid Mechanics) (M.Eng.)
Mechanical Engineering(Design And Manufacture) (M.Eng.)
Mechanical Engineering(Industrial Metallurgy and Corrosion Management) (M.Eng.)
Mechanical Engineering(Refrigeration And Air Conditioning) (M.Eng.)
Mechanical Engineering(Thermal Power Engineering) (M.Eng.)
Petroleum Engineering (M.Eng.)
Production Engineering(Industrial Engineering) (M.Eng.)
Production Engineering(Manufacturing Engineering) (M.Eng.)
Water Resources and Environmental Health Engineering (M.Eng.)
Masters in Fine and Applied Arts
Advertising (MFA)
Ceramics (MFA)
Painting (MFA)
Printmaking (MFA)
Sculpture (MFA)
Textile/ Fashion (MFA)
Masters in Health Planning and Management
Master of International Law and Security
Masters in Nephrology
Master in Public Administration
Master in Public Administration FT
Analytical Chemistry (M.Phil)
Applied Geochemistry (M.Phil)
Animal Science (Monogastric Nutrition and Mgt.) (M.Phil)
African Oral Literature (M.Phil)
Applied Mathematics (M.Phil)
Biochemistry (M.Phil)
Biogeography (M.Phil)
Biosystematics (M.Phil)
Biotechnology (M.Phil)
Biophysics/Medical Physics/Biomechanics (M.Phil)
Biology Of Parasitic Flowering Plants (M.Phil)
Controlled Drug Delivery (M.Phil)
Comparative Education (M.Phil)
Cell Biology (M.Phil)
Chemistry (M.Phil)
Criminology (M.Phil)
Climatology (M.Phil)
Computer Science (M.Phil)
Coating Of Solid Dosage Forms (M.Phil)
EthnoBiochemistry (M.Phil)
Economic Geology (M.Phil)
Ecology (M.Phil)
Econometrics (M.Phil)
Educational Foundation (M.Phil)
Educational Management (M.Phil)
Educational Philosophy (M.Phil)
Electronics (M.Phil)
Engineering Geology (M.Phil)
English Language (M.Phil)
Environmental Plant Physiology (M.Phil)
Geophysics/Exploration Geophysics (M.Phil)
Genetics (M.Phil)
Geomorphology (M.Phil)
Geoinformatics (M.Phil)
Geology (M.Phil)
Art Administration/Theatre Management (M.Phil)
M.Pharm. Clinical Pharmacy/Pharm. Practice
Animal Science (Reproductive Physiology and Artificial Insemination) (M.Phil)
Master of Pharmacy
Clinical Pharmacokinetics (M.Pharm.)
Clinical Pharmacokinetic (M.Pharm.)
Color Chemistry (M.Phil)
Dramatic Theory and Criticism (M.Phil)
History Of Education (M.Phil)
Masters of Public Health Edu. (Community Health)
Masters of Public Health Edu. (Environmental Health)
Environmental Chemistry (M.Phil)
Environmental Economics (M.Phil)
Food Chemistry (M.Phil)
Health Economics (M.Phil)
Inorganic Chemistry (M.Phil)
African Literature (M.Phil)
Animal Pathogenic Microbiology (M.Phil)
Brewing Science (M.Phil)
Business Administration (M.Phil)
Med Lab Science (Clinical Chemistry) (M.Phil)
Clinical Pharmacology (M.Phil)
Curriculum Studies (M.Phil)
(Educational Administration) (M.Phil)
Environmental and Public Health Micro. (M.Phil)
Environmental Chemistry (M.Phil)
Food and Industrial Microbiology (M.Phil)
Med Lab Science (Histopathology/Cytopathology) (M.Phil)
Med Lab Science (Hematology and Transfusion Science) (M.Phil)
Med Lab Science (Immunology and Immunochemistry) (M.Phil)
Immunology and Immunochemistry (M.Phil)
Instructional Technology (M.Phil)
Linguistics and African Languages (M.Phil)
Med Lab Science (Medical Bacteriology/Mycology) (M.Phil)
Microbiology (M.Phil)
Medical Laboratory Science (M.Phil)
Med Lab Science (Medical Molecular Biology) (M.Phil)
Med Lab Science (Medical Parasitology) (M.Phil)
Med Lab Science (Medical Virology) (M.Phil)
Pharmacognosy (M.Phil)
Physics (M.Phil)
Production Engineering (Industrial Engineering) (M.Phil)
Plant Pathogenic Microbiology (M.Phil)
Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (M.Phil)
Population Studies (M.Phil)
Pharmacology and Toxicology (M.Phil)
Social Studies Education (M.Phil)
Medical Chemistry (M.Phil)
Media/Communications (M.Phil)
Mineral Processing (M.Phil)
Music And Dance (M.Phil)
Organic Chemistry (M.Phil)
Petroleum Economics (M.Phil)
Physical Chemistry (M.Phil)
Polymer Science (M.Phil)
Performance Theory and Praxis (M.Phil)
Powder/Tableting Technology (M.Phil)
Masters in Public Health (Reproductive Health)
Solution and Gas Kinetics (M.Phil)
Theory and Criticism of Art (M.Phil)
Textile Chem. (M.Phil)
Hydrology And Water Resource Management (M.Phil)
Industrial Maths (M.Phil)
Industrial Sociology and Labour Relations (M.Phil)
International Trade And Finance (M.Phil)
Limnology And Agrology (M.Phil)
Demography and Pop. Studies (M.Phil)
Labour Economics (M.Phil)
Globalization And Development Studies (M.Phil)
Literature in English (M.Phil)
Medical And Clinical Biochemistry (M.Phil)
Mineral Exploration (M.Phil)
Metallurgy/Material Science/Solar Energy (M.Phil)
Mycology/Plant Pathology (M.Phil)
Pure Mathematics (M.Phil)
Monetary Theory And Policy (M.Phil)
Nutrition And Food Chemistry (M.Phil)
Plant Biochemistry (M.Phil)
Protein Chemistry And Enzymology (M.Phil)
Plant Diversity And Conservation (M.Phil)
Packaging And Drug Interaction (M.Phil)
Petroleum Geology (M.Phil)
Political Geography (M.Phil)
Phytomedicine (M.Phil)
Palynology/Micropaleontology (M.Phil)
Plant Physiology And Biochemistry (M.Phil)
Public Sector Economics (M.Phil)
Pharmacology and Toxicology (M.Phil)
Pharmacology and Toxicology (M.Phil)
Rheological Studies Of Liquid And SemiSolid Formulations (M.Phil)
Sourcing And Assessment Of Local Pharmaceutical Raw Materials (M.Phil)
Sociology Of Education (M.Phil)
Sedimentology/ Geology (M.Phil)
Social Psychology (M.Phil)
Stability Studies (M.Phil)
Social Work (M.Phil)
Toxicology And Environmental Biochemistry (M.Phil)
Transportation Geography (M.Phil)
Theatre Arts (M.Phil)
Theoretical/Mathematical Physics (M.Phil)
Urban Geography And Regional Planning (M.Phil)
Animal Science (Animal Breeding and Genetics) (M.Sc)
Animal Science (Animal Breeding and Genetics) (M.Sc)
Animal Science (Agric. Biochemistry and Nutrition) (M.Sc)
Animal Science (Agric. Biochemistry and Nutrition) (M.Sc)
Analytical Chemistry (M.Sc)
Animal and Environmental Biology (M.Sc)
Animal and Environmental Biology (Entomology) (M.Sc)
Animal and Environmental Biology (Hydrobiology and Fish Biology) (M.Sc)
Animal and Environmental Biology (Parasitology) (M.Sc)
Animal and Environmental Biology (Physiology/Ecotoxicology) (M.Sc)
Animal and Environmental Biology (Wildlife Ecology) (M.Sc)
Agricultural Economics (M.Sc)
Agricultural Economics Part Time (M.Sc)
Agricultural Extension Services (M.Sc)
Agricultural Extension Services Part Time (M.Sc)
Agro-Forestry (M.Sc)
Applied Mathematics (M.Sc)
Anatomy (M.Sc)
Animal Science (Animal Production and Management) (M.Sc)
Animal Science (Animal Production and Management) (M.Sc)
Animal Science (Pasture and Range Management) (M.Sc)
Animal Science (Pasture and Range Management) (M.Sc)
Animal Science (Animal Product, Science, and Tech.) (M.Sc)
Animal Science (Animal Product, Science, and Tech.) (M.Sc)
Animal Science (Animal Physiology) (M.Sc)
Animal Science (Animal Physiology) (M.Sc)
Animal Science (M.Sc)
Applied Petroleum Geology (M.Sc)
Animal Pathogenic Microbiology (M.Sc)
Aquaculture (M.Sc)
Crop Science (Biotechnology) (M.Sc)
Biochemistry (M.Sc)
Environmental. Quality Mgt. (Biodiversity and Conservation) (M.Sc)
Biogeography (M.Sc)
Biosystematics (M.Sc)
Biophysics/Medical Physics/Biomechanics (M.Sc)
Biology Of Parasitic Flowering Plants (M.Sc)
Brewing Science (M.Sc)
Biostratigraphy (M.Sc)
Color Chemistry (M.Sc)
Cell Biology (M.Sc)
Master in Community Health Education
M.Sc. Chemistry/Industrial Chemistry (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Comparative Politics and Development Studies (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Crop Protection (Entomology) (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Crop Physiology and Farming System (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Clinical Pharmacology (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Crop Protection (Phytopathology) (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Crop Protection (Weed Science) (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Crop Science (Crop Breeding and Genetics) (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Criminology (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Crop Science (Horticulture and Landscape Design) (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Crop Science (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Computer Science (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Social Psychology (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Cardiovascular Pharmacology (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Development Economics (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Demography and Population Studies (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Economics (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Ecology (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Econometrics (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Human Kinetics (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Electronics (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Production Engineering(Engineering Management) (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Climatology (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Environmental Microbiology (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Ethnomedicine (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Engineering Geology (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Environmental Geoscience (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Environmental and Public Health Micro. (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Environmental Plant Physiology (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Env. Quality Management (Pollution Studies and Ecotoxicology) (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Envir. Quality Management PT (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Environmental Chemistry (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Environmental Economics (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Food Chemistry (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Fisheries Economics (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Forest Ecology and Rehabilitation (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Food and Industrial Microbiology (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Finance (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Geomorphology (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Global Business Management (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Globalization and Dev Studies. (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Geophysics/Exploration Geophysics (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Genetics (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Geography (Environmental Mgt. and Assessment) (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Geography (Geoinformatics) (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Geography (Population Studies) (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Geography (Rural Land Resource Mgt.) (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Geoinformatics (M.Sc)
M.Sc. Geology (M.Sc)
M.Sc.(Ed) Health Education (M.Sc)
Masters in Health Economics (M.Sc)
Human Resource Management (M.Sc)
Health Economics (M.Sc)
Hydrology And Water Resource Management (M.Sc)
Hydrogeology (M.Sc)
Hydrobiology and Fish Biology (M.Sc)
Industrial/Applied Microbiology (M.Sc)
Inorganic Chemistry (M.Sc)
Inhibition and Destruction Of Micro-Organisms (M.Sc)
Immunology and Immunochemistry (M.Sc)
Industrial Mathematics (M.Sc)
International Relations (M.Sc)
Industrial Sociology and Labour Relations (M.Sc)
International Trade And Finance (M.Sc)
Limnology and Agrology (M.Sc)
Labour Economics (M.Sc)
Medical Chemistry (M.Sc)
Microbiology (M.Sc)
Mineral Exploration (M.Sc)
Medical Laboratory Science (M.Sc)
Med Lab Science (Clinical Chemistry) (M.Sc)
Med Lab Science (Environmental and Public Health) (M.Sc)
Med Lab Science (Histopathology/Cytopathology) (M.Sc)
Med Lab Science (Haematology and Transfusion Science) (M.Sc)
Med Lab Science (Immunology and Immunochemistry) (M.Sc)
Med Lab Science (Medical Bacteriology/Mycology) (M.Sc)
Med Lab Science (Medical Molecular Biology) (M.Sc)
Med Lab Science (Medical Parasitology) (M.Sc)
Med Lab Science (Medical Virology) (M.Sc)
Marketing Management (M.Sc)
Medical Microbiology (M.Sc)
Metallurgy/Material Science/Solar Energy (M.Sc)
Mineral Processing (M.Sc)
Mycology/Plant Pathology (M.Sc)
Medical Sociology And Anthropology (M.Sc)
Pure Mathematics (M.Sc)
Monetary Theory And Policy (M.Sc)
Geography (Urban and Regional Planning) (M.Sc)
Masters in Nursing Services (Reproductive and Family Health)
Organic Chemistry (M.Sc)
Ocular (M.Sc)
Operations Management (M.Sc)
Public Administration (M.Sc)
Plant Biology and Biotechnology (M.Sc)
Physiology and Biochem. (M.Sc)
Plant Biochemistry (M.Sc)
Pharmacognosy (M.Sc)
Protein Chemistry And Enzymology (M.Sc)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (M.Sc)
Plant Diversity and Conservation (M.Sc)
Petroleum Geology (M.Sc)
Political Geography (M.Sc)
Pharmaceutical Microbiology (M.Sc)
Physical Chemistry (M.Sc)
Master in Public Health Education
Human Physiology (M.Sc)
Phytomedicine (M.Sc)
Polymer Chemistry (M.Sc)
Preparation And Microbiological Control Of Drug Forms And Environment (M.Sc)
Preparation And Microbiological Control Of Drug Forms And Environment (M.Sc)
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (M.Sc)
Plant Pathogenic Microbiology (M.Sc)
Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (M.Sc)
Public Sector Economics (M.Sc)
Population Studies (M.Sc)
Pharmacology and Toxicology (M.Sc)
Petroleum Economics (M.Sc)
Pharmacology and Toxicology (M.Sc)
Reproductive Health (M.Sc)
Soil Chemistry/Fertility/Plant Nutrition (M.Sc)
Solution and Gas Kinetics (M.Sc)
Soil Science (Microbiology/Biochemistry) (M.Sc)
Soil Science (M.Sc)
Soil Physics Soil Management and Conservation (M.Sc)
Sedimentology/Sedimentary Geology (M.Sc)
Social Work (M.Sc)
Ind.Chem.Color Textile Chem. (M.Sc)
Toxicology and Environmental Biochemistry (M.Sc)
Transportation Geography (M.Sc)
Theoretical/Mathematical Physics (M.Sc)
Urban Geography and Regional Planning (M.Sc)
Vision Science (M.Sc)
Wildlife Conservation and Management (M.Sc)
Wood Science and Utilization (M.Sc)
Arts Administration/Management (PGD.)
Arts Administration/Management (PGD.)
Anaesthesiology (PGD.)
Business Management (PGD.)
Chemical Engineering (PGD.)
PGD in Crop Science
PGD in Crop Science (PGD.)
Computer Science (PGD.)
Dramatic Theory and Criticism (PGD.)
Dramatic Theory and Criticism (PGD.)
Education (PGD.)
Education (PT) (PGD.)
Environmental and Public Health Microbiology (PGD.)
Production Engineering (PGD.)
Food and Industrial Microbiology (PGD.)
Health Economics (Reproductive and Child Health) (PGD.)
Mass Communication (PGD.)
Mineral Exploration (PGD.)
Medical Microbiology (PGD.)
Music and Dance (PGD.)
Music and Dance (PGD.)
Natural Resource Management (PGD.)
Public Administration FT (PGD.)
Performance Theory and Praxis (PGD.)
Performance Theory and Praxis (PGD.)
Theory and Criticism of the Arts (PGD.)
Theory and Criticism of the Arts (PGD.)
Technical Education (PGD.)
Technical Education (PT) (PGD.)
Theatre Arts (PGD.)
African Art (Ph.D.)
Animal Science (Agricultural Biochemistry and Nutrition) (Ph.D.)
Analytical Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Art Criticism (Ph.D.)
Animal and Environmental Biology (Ph.D.)
Animal and Environmental Biology (Entomology) (Ph.D.)
Animal and Environmental Biology (Hydrobiology and Fish Biology) (Ph.D.)
Animal and Environmental Biology (Parasitology) (Ph.D.)
Animal and Environmental Biology (Physiology/Ecotoxicology) (Ph.D.)
Animal and Environmental Biology (Wildlife Ecology) (Ph.D.)
Agricultural Economics (Ph.D.)
Agricultural Extension (Ph.D.)
Mechanical Engineering (Advanced Fluid Mechanics) (Ph.D.)
African Linguistics (Ph.D.)
African Literature (Ph.D.)
Applied Mathematics (Ph.D.)
Anatomy (Ph.D.)
Animal Science (Animal Breeding and Genetics) (Ph.D.)
Animal Science (Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry) (Ph.D.)
Animal Science (Animal Production and Mgt.) (Ph.D.)
Animal Science (Animal Physiology and Reproduction) (Ph.D.)
Ph.D. In Adult And Non-Formal Education
Animal Science (Monogastric Nutrition and Mgt.) (Ph.D.)
Animal Science (Pasture and Range Management) (Ph.D.)
Animal Science (Animal Product, Science, and Tech.) (Ph.D.)
Animal Science (Ruminant Nutrition and Mgt.) (Ph.D.)
Animal Science (Reproductive Physiology and Artificial Insemination) (Ph.D.)
Animal Science (Ph.D.)
African Oral Literature (Ph.D.)
Mechanical Engineering (Applied Energy) (Ph.D.)
Applied Linguistics (Ph.D.)
Animal Pathogenic Microbiology (Ph.D.)
Aquaculture (Ph.D.)
Biogeography (Ph.D.)
Biochemistry (Ph.D.)
Biology Education (Ph.D.)
Biosystematics (Ph.D.)
Biotechnology (Ph.D.)
Biophysics/Medical Physics/Biomechanics (Ph.D.)
Studies In Biodegradation and Preservation of Phar Prod (Ph.D.)
Studies In Biodegradation and Preservation Of Phar Prod (Ph.D.)
Studies Of Bacterial Resistance To Antib Agents and Env Geno (Ph.D.)
Studies Of Bacterial Resistance To Antib Agents and Env Geno (Ph.D.)
Brewing Science (Ph.D.)
Business Education (Ph.D.)
Color Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Computation And Computational Techniques (Ph.D.)
Controlled Drug Delivery (Ph.D.)
Cell Biology (Ph.D.)
Ceramics (Ph.D.)
Civil Engineering(Engineering Structures And Technology) (Ph.D.)
Soil Chemistry/Fertility/Plant Nutrition (Ph.D.)
Chemical Engineering (Ph.D.)
Chemistry Education (Ph.D.)
Caribbean Literature (Ph.D.)
Comparative Education (Ph.D.)
Computer Methodology/Science Computing (Ph.D.)
Clinical Pharmacy (Ph.D.)
Comparative Politics and Development Studies (Ph.D.)
Clinical Pharmacokinetics (Ph.D.)
Clinical Pharmacokinetics (Ph.D.)
Clinical Phar-macy And Phar-macy Practice (Ph.D.)
Clinical Phar-macy And Phar-macy Practice (Ph.D.)
Counseling Psychology (Ph.D.)
Crop Science (Crop Breeding and Genetics) (Ph.D.)
Criminology (Ph.D.)
Crop Protection/Weed Control (Ph.D.)
Crop Science (Ph.D.)
Computer Science (Ph.D.)
Coating Of Solid Dosage Form (Ph.D.)
Civil Engineering(Transportation And Highway Engineering) (Ph.D.)
Curriculum Studies (Ph.D.)
Development Economics (Ph.D.)
Educational Administration (Ph.D.)
European Art (Ph.D.)
EthnoBiochemistry (Ph.D.)
Environmental Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Economics (Ph.D.)
Ecology (Ph.D.)
Econometrics (Ph.D.)
Educational Foundations (Ph.D.)
Philosophy Of Education (Ph.D.)
Environmental/Hydrogeology (Ph.D.)
Electronics (Ph.D.)
Climatology (Ph.D.)
Engineering (Computer Engineering) (Ph.D.)
Engineering Geology (Ph.D.)
English Language (Ph.D.)
Educational Planning (Ph.D.)
Environmental and Public Health Micro. (Ph.D.)
Electrical/Electronics Engineering(Power and Machines) (Ph.D.)
Electrical/Electronics Engineering(Power And Machines) (Ph.D.)
Environmental Plant Physiology (Ph.D.)
Environmental Economics (Ph.D.)
Food Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Fisheries Economics (Ph.D.)
Food and Industrial Microbiology (Ph.D.)
Fisheries (Ph.D.)
French Literature (Ph.D.)
Social Forestry and Extension (Ph.D.)
Silviculture and Tree Improvement (Ph.D.)
Globalization and Development Studies (Ph.D.)
Geophysics/Exploration Geophysics (Ph.D.)
Genetics (Ph.D.)
Geography (Environmental Mgt. and Assessment) (Ph.D.)
Geomorphology (Ph.D.)
Geoinformatics (Ph.D.)
Geology (Ph.D.)
Graphics (Ph.D.)
Civil Engineering(Geotechnical Engineering) (Ph.D.)
Historical/Comparative Linguistics (Ph.D.)
Health Education (Community Health Education) (Ph.D.)
Health Education (Ph.D.)
Health Education (Environmental And Safety Education) (Ph.D.)
Human Kinetics (Ph.D.)
Ph.D. in Health Economics (Reproductive and Child Health)
Health Education (School Health Education) (Ph.D.)
History (Ph.D.)
History Of Education (Ph.D.)
Human Kinetics And Sport (Human Kinetics Curriculum) (Ph.D.)
Human Kinetics And Sport (Exercise Physiology) (Ph.D.)
Human Kinetics And Sport (Recreation. Leisure And Tourism) (Ph.D.)
Human Kinetics And Sport (Sport Management) (Ph.D.)
Mechanical Eng(Heat And Mass Transfer Engineering) (Ph.D.)
Human Physiology (Ph.D.)
Health Economics (Ph.D.)
Hydrology And Water Resource Management (Ph.D.)
Inorganic Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Mechanical Eng(Industrial Metallurgy and Corrosion Management) (Ph.D.)
Immunology and Immunochemistry (Ph.D.)
Inactivation of Microorganisms And Immunological Studies (Ph.D.)
Inactivation Of Microorganisms And Immunological Studies (Ph.D.)
Industrial Mathematics (Ph.D.)
International Relations (Ph.D.)
Industrial Sociology and Labour Relations (Ph.D.)
Instructional Technology (Ph.D.)
International Trade And Finance (Ph.D.)
Limnology and Agrology (Ph.D.)
Laws (Ph.D.)
Labour Economics (Ph.D.)
Literature In English (Ph.D.)
Literary Stylistics (Ph.D.)
Mass Communication (Ph.D.)
Medical Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Microbiology (Ph.D.)
Measurement and Evaluation (Ph.D.)
Medical And Clinical Biochemistry (Ph.D.)
Mechanical Eng(Engineering Design And Manufacture) (Ph.D.)
Mechanical Eng(Design And Manufacture) (Ph.D.)
Med Lab Science (Immunology and Immunochemistry) (Ph.D.)
Medical Laboratory Science (Ph.D.)
Med Lab Science (Clinical Chemistry) (Ph.D.)
(Environmental and Public Health) (Ph.D.)
Med Lab Science (Histopathology/Cytopathology) (Ph.D.)
Med Lab Science (Hematology and Transfusion Science) (Ph.D.)
Med Lab Science (Medical Bacteriology/Mycology) (Ph.D.)
Med Lab Science (Medical Molecular Biology) (Ph.D.)
Med Lab Science (Medical Parasitology) (Ph.D.)
Med Lab Science (Medical Virology) (Ph.D.)
Medical Microbiology (Ph.D.)
Metallurgy/Material Science/Solar Energy (Ph.D.)
Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry (Ph.D.)
Mineral Processing (Ph.D.)
Mycology/Plant Pathology (Ph.D.)
Pure Mathematics (Ph.D.)
Mathematics (Ph.D.)
Monetary Theory And Policy (Ph.D.)
Nutrition And Food Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Ph. D in Nursing Services (Reproductive and Family Health) (Ph.D.)
Organic Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Ocular (Ph.D.)
Operating System And System Programming (Ph.D.)
Public Administration (Ph.D.)
Plant Biochemistry (Ph.D.)
Plant Biology and Biotechnology (Ph.D.)
Pharmacognosy (Ph.D.)
Protein Chemistry And Enzymology (Ph.D.)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Plant Diversity And Conservation (Ph.D.)
Packaging And Drug Interaction (Ph.D.)
Physics Education (Ph.D.)
Petroleum Engineering (Ph.D.)
Biology Of Parasitic Flowering Plants (Ph.D.)
Political Geography (Ph.D.)
Pharmaceutical Microbiology (Ph.D.)
Pharmacognosy (Ph.D.)
Physical Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Phonology (Ph.D.)
Phytomedicine (Ph.D.)
Production Engineering(Industrial Engineering) (Ph.D.)
Polymer Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Production Engineering (Manufacturing) (Ph.D.)
Painting (Ph.D.)
Plant Physiology And Biochemistry (Ph.D.)
Plant Pathogenic Microbiology (Ph.D.)
Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (Ph.D.)
Production Engineering (Ph.D.)
Population Studies (Ph.D.)
Public Sector Economics (Ph.D.)
Psycholinguistics (Ph.D.)
Pharmacology and Toxicology (Ph.D.)
Petroleum Economics (Ph.D.)
Powder/Tableting Technology (Ph.D.)
Mechanical Engineering(Refrigeration and AC) (Ph.D.)
Rural and Community Development (Ph.D.)
Ph.D. in Public Health (Reproductive Health)
Reproductive Health (Ph.D.)
Rural Land Resource Management (Ph.D.)
Rheological Studies Of Liquid and Semi-Solid Formulations (Ph.D.)
Sourcing and Assessment Of Local Phrcal Raw Materials (Ph.D.)
Sculpture (Ph.D.)
Semantics (Ph.D.)
Solution and Gas Kinetics (Ph.D.)
Social Studies Education (Ph.D.)
Sociolinguistics (Ph.D.)
Soil Science (Soil Physics) (Ph.D.)
Soil Science (Ph.D.)
Social Psychology (Ph.D.)
Stability Studies (Ph.D.)
Structures and Tech (Ph.D.)
Social Work (Ph.D.)
Syntax (Ph.D.)
Textile Chem. (Ph.D.)
Textile Design (Ph.D.)
Toxicology And Environmental Biochemistry (Ph.D.)
Transportation Geography (Ph.D.)
Theatre Arts (Ph.D.)
Theoretical/Mathematical Physics (Ph.D.)
Mechanical Engineering(Thermal Pw Eng) (Ph.D.)
Urban Geography and Regional Planning (Ph.D.)
Vision Science (Ph.D.)
Wildlife Conservation and Management (Ph.D.)
Women’s Education (Ph.D.)
Civil Engineering(Water Res and Env Health Eng) (Ph.D.)
Wood Science Utilization. (Ph.D.)