JAMB Subject Combination for all Art Courses

If you have made a choice to be enrolled in any of the best art courses in Nigeria, then you have a competitive advantage in the country’s rising unemployment rate as an art student.

Before pursuing any course of study, it would be prudent to take a few things into account given the rising unemployment rate in the country as a whole.

The employment prospects for such degrees in Nigeria are one thing to take into consideration. The commercial and pure arts programs in Nigeria will be the main emphasis of this list of the highest art programs in Nigeria.

If you are a potential art student who wants to sit for the forthcoming JAMB Post UTME and is currently in a state of confusion about which subject to apply for, this article is designed for you.

We have painstakingly made a comprehensive list of JAMB Subject Combinations for all Arts courses which is basically for all interested candidates who wish to enroll in any of the best universities in Nigeria.

JAMB Subject Combination for all Art Courses

1.  English and Literary Studies

The academic field of study covers both the study of literature from various literary genres produced in the English language as well as the study of English linguistics, which includes English phonetics, phonology, syntax, morphology, semantics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics, and stylistics.

Subject Combination: Use of English, Literature in English, Government or History, or any other Arts subjects.

2. Linguistics

The scientific study of language and its components, such as grammar, syntax, and phonetics, is well known as linguistics.

Subject CombinationEnglish, Two relevant Arts subjects, and any other subject.

3. Theatre Arts

Theatre arts involve the study of the form of art that uses live performers, typically actors or actresses, to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, often a stage.

Subject Combination: Use of English, Literature in English, and two other relevant subjects.

4. Mass Communication

Mass communication is the study of how people and entities relay information through mass media to large segments of the population at the same time.

Subject Combination: Use of English, Literature in English, Economics, and Government or CRK/CRS.

5. Music

Music involves the study of the form of art that combines vocal or instrumental sounds to create a composition or produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.

Subject Combination: Use of English, Music, one other Arts subject plus any other subject.

6. Yoruba

Yoruba involves the study of the Yoruba people and language as well as the Yoruba culture. Yoruba is the language of the Yoruba, which belongs to the Kwa group. It is the official language of Nigeria, with over 16 million speakers.

Subject CombinationUse of English, Yoruba, and two other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.

7. Arabic and Islamic Studies

Arabic and Islamic Studies is the study of the Islamic religion and culture. It also involves the study of the Arabic language which is a Central Semitic language, closely related to the Northwest Semitic languages (Aramaic, Hebrew, Ugaritic, and Phoenician), the Ancient South Arabian languages, and various other Semitic languages of Arabia such as Dadanitic.

Subject Combination: Use of English, Arabic, and two subjects from Arts or Social Sciences.

8. Christian Religious Studies:

Christian Religious Studies is the study of the Christian religion and is devoted to research into Christian religious beliefs, behaviors, and institutions.

Subject Combination: Use of English, two Arts subjects including Christian Religious Knowledge, and any other subject.

9. Fine and Applied Arts:

Fine and Applied Arts involves the study of visual arts and how they can be created primarily for aesthetic and intellectual purposes for beauty and meaningfulness, specifically, painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics, and architecture.”

Subject CombinationUse of English Language, Fine Art, and two other Arts subjects or Social Science subject.

10. Foreign Languages and Literature

Foreign Languages and Literature is a discipline that involves becoming proficient in a foreign language, as well as learning how to think critically about the world while getting immersed in the study of new cultures.

Subject CombinationUse of English Language, Fine Art, and two other Arts subjects or Social Science subject.

11. French

French involves the study of the French people and language as well as French culture. French is the language of France, also used in parts of Belgium, Switzerland, and Canada, in several countries of northern and western Africa and the Caribbean, and elsewhere.

Subject Combination: English, French, and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.

12. Hausa

Hausa involves the study of the Hausa people and language as well as the Hausa culture. Hausa is the Chadic language of the Hausa, spoken by some 30 million people, mainly in Nigeria and Niger, and used as a lingua franca in parts of West Africa.

Subject CombinationEnglish, Hausa, Lit in English, and any of Economics, Government, History, and Arabic.

13. History and International Studies

History is the study of the past as it is described in written documents. International studies are concerned with the study of the major political, economic, social, and cultural issues that dominate the international agenda.

Subject Combination: Use of English, History/Government, and any other two subjects from Arts & Social Science.

14. Law

Law is an interdisciplinary, liberal arts discipline that engages the meanings, values, practices, and institutions of law and legality. Legal Studies examine how law shapes and is shaped by political, economic, and cultural forces.

Subject Combination: English, Literature, Economics, and any other Art Subject.

15. Igbo

Igbo involves the study of the Igbo people and language as well as the Igbo culture. Igbo is the language of the Igbo, belonging to the Kwa group. It is the official language of Nigeria, with over 12 million speakers.

Faculty: Arts

Subject Combination: English, Igbo, and two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.

16. Political Science

Political science is one of Nigeria’s best art courses that deals with the scientific study of politics. Undergraduates in this department are trained to understand the system of government, gaining a comprehensive knowledge of how power works.

For O’Level: The candidates are required to have a 5 credit pass in the following major subjects: English Language, Mathematics Government, and any other two subjects under the O’ level art subjects.

JAMB subject combination requirements include government, English language, and any other art or social science subject.

17. Philosophy

Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental questions about reasoning, values, the mind, language, and many more. In Nigeria, philosophers are seen as valuable in almost all sectors of the economy. They are rated higher when they acquire more degrees, aside from the graduate degree level.

A candidate must take English together with three additional arts subjects (social sciences, history, religious studies, government, and geography) in JAMB if they want to pursue a course like philosophy.

18. Criminology and security studies

Crime prevention strategies and illicit human behavior are both studied in criminology and security studies. The degree offers a wide range of specializations, making it simpler for graduates to find excellent jobs both domestically and abroad.

JAMB Subject Requirements For Criminology and Security Studies, the JAMB subject required include English and Three other courses (Government, economics commerce, and geography).

19. History and Archaeology

This is one of the best art courses in Nigeria, which focuses on ancient human behaviors. Nigeria, being one of the countries that value history and culture, needs the services of people with this knowledge in finding these ancient, unique historical identities.

English Language and any three (3) related art subjects are necessary JAMB subjects for History and Archaeology.

20. Sociology

Sociology is the study of society, which includes how individuals relate to one another and interact. Those who graduate from the program are expected to comprehend and globalize the world. They have the resources needed to help address challenging social concerns.

The following UTME subjects are needed to study sociology: English language and Three other social science subjects or art subjects.

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About Folashade Olawale, M.Ed.

Folashade Olawale is a distinguished education expert and academic consultant with over 12 years of experience in the Nigerian educational sector. She holds a Master's degree in Education from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, where she specialized in Curriculum Development and Instructional Design. Folashade's expertise encompasses innovative teaching strategies, educational technology, and student engagement. As a passionate advocate for quality education, Folashade regularly contributes insightful articles to Just School News, focusing on educational trends, school management, and student success strategies.