How to Correct Name on JAMB Portal 2024

Did you make any mistakes during the registration process for the JAMB in 2024/2025? If so, we’re here to inform you of how to easily and swiftly fix this mistake.

But before you can fix these mistakes, you must wait for Jamb to open their portal; otherwise, it will be challenging for you to make any modifications to your bio-data with JAMB.

This piece of writing will briefly guide you on how to correct the name on JAMB Portal for students who might have had serious issues on JAMB Portal and wishes to correct such a mistake for the 2024 registration process. We will be glad to help you out. We urge you to continue reading the article below.

How to Correct Any Mistakes on the JAMB Profile

Below is the step-by-step guide to correct any mistakes on the JAMB profile:

1. Begin your mistake correction process by visiting the jamb portal at

2. Provide your registered email address and password in their respective spaces to continue. Meanwhile, create a new account if you don’t have one.

3. Select the “Application For Correction of Data” on the left side of the screen. A drop-down menu containing all your data options will appear.

4. Click the erroneous detail you can intend to change. For instance, click “date of birth” if your age wasn’t registered accurately.

5. Select the examination year and your Registration Number in their appropriate space.

6. Click on the “search details” link to proceed to the next stage.

7. The page will redirect you to the “Payment Choice dashboard” where you will choose your preferred payment mode.

8. Click on the “Pay with Remita” button because paying with Remita is straightforward.

9. The next page will display your profile and the data you want to change. It will also show the amount it will cost to complete the process.

10. Click on the “Confirm this Information” button after reading and confirming that the information is accurate.

11. Click on the “pay now” button to continue.

12. Provide your card details to complete the transaction.

13. The JAMB portal will automatically send you an SMS and mail containing your Transaction Identification.

14. Print the original Transaction Identification and have at least two photocopies for future purposes.

15. Click “Continue” after finalizing the payment. Your browser will return to the JAMB portal after your account has been debited.

16. Reselect your examination year, and provide your JAMB Registration Number

17. The affected data will appear on your screen. You can now correct the mistakes.

18. Correct the affected data before clicking the “submit” link.

19. Print out the Indemnity Form which will appear on the next page.

20. Fill out the form with accurate data and submit it to your institution for approval.

21. Your school will approve the form before forwarding it to the state’s JAMB office.

22. You will receive a notification from JAMB regarding the latest developments.

JAMB Change of Course and Institution / Data Correction Procedure 2024/2025

First, you have to visit the 2024/2025 JAMB portal at

Wait for the portal to open

Then Login with your Email and Password.

When you are logged in Click on ‘Registration (2024 only)’ from the list of services offered by JAMB on the left side of your screen.

From the drop DOWN Menu, select ‘2024 UTME Data Correction‘.

You now have to proceed to payment.

Other Mistakes That Can be Corrected on the JAMB Portal

You can correct any of these mistakes immediately after the portal has been opened.

JAMB Subject Combination

Passport Photograph


Date of Birth

And Course/Change of Institution.

JAMB Correction of Data Opening and Closing Date 2024/2025

Note: The portal is currently open now but the closing date is not yet announced. So candidates who made one type of error or the other during registration can access the portal and correct any errors.

This will be all for the topic How to Correct Name on JAMB Portal 2024. We hope this article was helpful to your search. We won’t hesitate to keep you updated on more detailed information regarding the above topic. Thank You.

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About Folashade Olawale, M.Ed.

Folashade Olawale is a distinguished education expert and academic consultant with over 12 years of experience in the Nigerian educational sector. She holds a Master's degree in Education from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, where she specialized in Curriculum Development and Instructional Design. Folashade's expertise encompasses innovative teaching strategies, educational technology, and student engagement. As a passionate advocate for quality education, Folashade regularly contributes insightful articles to Just School News, focusing on educational trends, school management, and student success strategies.